11/12/2024 – La salute in Toscana tra carico di malattia e fattori rischio Risultati del progetto ACAB, “Il Fuligno” (Sala Chiesa) via Faenza 48, Firenze

16-19/04/2024 – Riccione – XLVIII Congress AIE Speeches and posters by ACAB group members
- Carreras G, Baccini M, Malevolti MC, Gorini G, Caldarella A, Manneschi G. Tumore del polmone e fumo: anni vissuti con disabilità in Toscana. Un’analisi dallo studio ACAB (oral)
- Ariani F, Carreras G, Talini D, Baccini M, Levi M. Analisi dinamica dell’occupazione in Toscana: sesso, età e settore economico dal 1971. Un approccio integrato per la valutazione del burden of disease dei rischi occupazionali. (poster)
- Lachi A, Carreras G, Viscardi C,Saltelli A, Baccini M. Propagazione dell’incertezza e analisi di sensibilità globale nello studio delle dinamiche di fumo in Toscana: stima e previsione sotto scenari alternativi di controllo del tabacco. (oral)
14-15/03/2024 – The first results of the ACAB study were presented, selected as oral presentations at the “2nd international burden of disease conference“, Chamber of Commerce of Trieste.
Baccini – Fine particles and lung cancer mortality in Tuscany (Italy): A Bayesian health impact assessment;
Carreras – Lung cancer and smoking: years lived with disability in Tuscany. An analysis from the ACAB study.

17-19/12/2022 – London – 15th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics (CM Statistics 2022). Lachi A, Viscardi C, Cereda G, Carreras G, Baccini M. A compartmental model for smoking habits in Tuscany (Italy). (presentazione orale)
22-24/06/2022 – Alessio Lachi participates to the 51st Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society in Caserta (Italy) with a presentation entitled “Compartmental models in epidemiology: Application on Smoking Habits in Tuscany”.
26/06/2022-01/07/2022 – Alessio Lachi participates to the International Society for Bayesian Analysis – section Biostatistics and Pharmaceutical Statistics in Montreal, Canada with a poster entitled ABC on compartmental models.
06/06/2022 – Michela Baccini presents “Impact of the Air pollution in Italy: two regionals studies.” Webinars Salud Pública 2021-2022. Universidad del Pais Vasco
21/10/2021 – Presentation of the ACAB project to researchers form the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME).
09/06/2021 – Speech by Giulia Carreras entitled “Burden of disease attributable to smoking and to environmental and occupational risk factors: the ACAB project” at the Videoconference “The most recent analyzes of mortality data” organized by ISPRO.